Nonprofit Social Media Setup

Posts, Tweets, and Shares . . . oh my!

The good news? You don’t have the same problem with social media that you do with the website issue – because there are only a few social media tools you should be using.

The bad news? Social media, like many other topics related to starting a nonprofit, can become overwhelming in a heartbeat.

Don’t strain your brain – simply set up YouTube, Twitter & Facebook profiles, and be done with it for now.

One of the best posts we’ve seen on exactly how to set up your social media accounts and profiles  is by Hootsuite, the inexpensive social media management tool used by thousands of for-profit and nonprofits alike (and whom we recommend when size and budget warrants it). See a post excerpt below, and a link to the full article:


How to Set up Facebook, Twitter and Every Other Major Social Media Profile

By Hootsuite: Setting up social media profiles on Twitter, Facebook or any other social network can be a lot of work. And if you’re starting from scratch, it feels like a big impediment to overcome before using a new tool. We need to choose a photo or fill out a bio when all we want to do is start sharing content and engaging with friends.

Your social media profile is a window into your personality, your job, your interests—sure, but, if done correctly, it can be so much more than that. It can drive people to your website or other online assets; it can promote some of your best content; and it can lead to new clients and sales. When you reach out to a new contact or prospect, the first thing they’re going to do is look you up online. Your profile needs to be both impressive and discoverable.

With so much potential value in each social media profile, it’s worth investing the time and effort required to set them up properly. (Or, if you’ve neglected yours for an extenere’s the link to the full article.ded period of time, it can be just as important to give it a complete overhaul.) Here’s our complete guide on how to use social media profiles.

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